Jhb-Pta-Ct-Dbn-Skype/Zoom - The Voice Clinic Level 2 BBBEE - All Content Copyright TVC 2025
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My confidence has grown, much better pronunciation of words, tone of voice improved. Focus on breathing and relaxing
I have grown in all aspects since attending this program
Boost self confidence. Improve vocabulary and breathing while speaking
I am more confident
Improve my language use and breathing
I am now going to be the best in the business
I have more confidence in my ability to speak publicly/ I have also identified short comings and how to overcome them
I learned a couple of mistakes I make when in front of a crowd and will work on these
Confidence, skills and ability to speak under pressure
I really enjoyed the two days, very informative and learned quite a few tips and techniques
I feel more confident in my voice and ability to speak to crowds. This program has also led to overall mindset shift. I am very pleased with my progress
I have received multiple tools that have helped me improve my presentations, from voice, pronouncing and modulation. Thank you Pieter!
Voice projection, I may still need to put more effort, however it has improved from where I started from. Self confidence, breathing techniques, pronunciation and stage presence.
There is so much movement, shift in the mind and building confidence
This program has improved my confidence and provided me the tools to use to manage anxiety
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